After GaNonCMOS

GaNonCMOS results brief 6

In this final instalment of the results brief, we give an outlook on what the partners are up to in the coming years…


The GaNonCMOS project is considered to be highly successful by the project partners. As described in this results brief, the project resulted in many promising developments at material, component and system-level. After the conclusion of the project, the partners would like to further build on the executed work. Here a few examples:

  • In parallel to the GaNonCMOS project, IHP was successful in developing their LDMOS transistor with a much higher voltage swing compared to the standard high voltage transistors in SG13S technology used for GaNonCMOS driver chips. The next step for IHP would be to integrate these LDMOS transistors into the output stages of driver circuits.
  • IAF looks forward to continuing the development of the GaN-based devices technology toward more integration (GaN converter, GaN driver, GaN based logics, GaN sensors) to improve the performances, reduce the size and cost of the chip and be able to offer an all-in-one GaN integrated circuit for different type of converters.
  • Tyndall expects an on-going and continued research into achieving chip-scale heterogeneous integration of MoS based inductors and transformers in voltage reglators and gate driver applications. It is anticipated that the immediate area of interest for transitioning from surface mount technology (SMT) to embedded-in PCB is for ultra-low power POL converters for IoT.
  • RECOM is planning to design 200-500W DC/DC power module using GaN suitable for low voltage e-mobility (48V bus).
  • At AT&S, the GaNonCMOS results already led to the initiation of several joint development projects with customers (see previous paragraph) and AT&S plans to continue the exploitation of the developed technologies and newly gained business contacts.

Our complete results brief is also available for download here.